Sumin is a qualified and registered acupuncturist and has been in practice for 7 years, successfully gaining her qualification in Traditional Chinese medicine at the University of Technology Sydney. She is an accredited member of Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) and has special interests in women’s health, mental health, musculoskeletal pain and digestive health. Sumin believes every individual is unique and special, therefore providing a person-centred treatment to optimise quality of life.
Sumin’s approach to treatment is based on the principles of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine that identifies illness as being caused from the body being out of balance. This involves our Chi, blood, yin and yang. So, identifying the cause through the influence of lifestyle, food intake and sleep habits is a part of this treatment modality. Diagnostic tools are used such as viewing the tongue and taking the pulse. The treatment of acupuncture is then administered for the areas of the body that correspond with the findings.
Sumin is also a registered nurse and can draw on the practices of this training to enhance her use of techniques that have been around for thousands of years. As she stated when asked why she believes in the use of acupuncture, it is because “it works”. The background theory for this well-known treatment supports the evidence of its usefulness. Acupuncture can help relieve pain, including from headache, migraine, menstruation, muscle aches and pains. Sumin has also worked with clients who experience anxiety and has had feedback with reports of improved sleep after sessions. The relief of stress is also another positive outcome.
For those with a fear of needles, Sumin explains that there are alternatives to using these fine needles. Some people fear the pain, but most are surprised how thin and painless the experience can be. They are nothing like the needles we associate with injections. There are also some points on the body that are more sensitive than others. However, if this is still a concern, there are options such as acupressure (no needles), ear seeds and she will even demonstrate on herself so you can see how it all works! (Some of us prefer to just close our eyes the first time and then we are fine). Sumin is available on Tuesdays.