To Crack or Not to Crack (part 2)

Welcome to part 2 of our series of blog posts on ‘cracking joints’. Part 1 covered what that ‘pop’ or ‘crack’ sound really is. We also provided information about the different types of chiropractic adjustments and what an activator is used for. Today, we are further discussing the clinical benefits of chiropractic adjustments and whether …

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Ergonomics, technology and improving posture

Put simply, ergonomics is the study of people in their working environment, with the aim to reduce discomfort and prevent injury. Key elements include safety, comfort, ease of use, and productivity. If you look at the way we use modern technology, then there is certainly convenience, but also the potential for strain and repetitive injury. …

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Life, technology and wellbeing – how to help your body

We all know that technology can make life easier, with faster access to information, immediate purchasing options, and the ability to do what we need to online from just about any location. But with convenience has come the physical toll on our bodies. How is your posture while using a device? Are you looking up …

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Time to recharge and renew

While some people set new year resolutions, others might consciously focus on leaving the previous year’s challenges behind while looking for the glimmers that can make life truly amazing. Whatever your approach is, a new year often brings with it a sense of renewal and an opportunity to implement strategies for self-care. After all, self-care …

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Treating Beyond the Pain

Client: Why are you treating that area when it’s not where I told you it hurts? Practitioner: Everything is connected! Pain is a complex sensation – firstly, it’s invisible, so how we feel pain is unique to the individual. Even the way we think about pain can change our perception of what we feel. But …

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Understanding the Breath Breathing is a fundamental physiological process that provides our bodies with the oxygen needed for cellular functions and removes carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism. Despite its automatic nature, consciously controlling our breath can have profound effects on both physical and mental states. For instance, shallow, rapid breathing often associated with …

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Introduction to Stretching

There are multiple types of stretching but the 2 that will be referred to in this blog are:   Static stretching which involves holding a stretch position for a set amount of time (usually 15-60 seconds) without movement. It helps to improve flexibility and is often done after exercising to cool down. An example of …

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Feel Amazing Wellness Centre