Pregnancy Care

What is pregnancy care and why is there so much we can offer? Pregnancy care starts long before birth. The journey through fertility sometimes needs support through lifestyle and dietary changes and with treatments that support conception. Then comes along the muscle strain, ligament tightness, fluid retention, discomfort when sleeping, fatigue, nausea, changing gait when …

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Dry Needling in July

Dry Needling is a therapeutic technique performed by qualified healthcare professionals, such as chiropractors or massage therapists who have completed additional training, involving the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body known as trigger points or myofascial trigger points. Read on for more about dry needling and a special offer for …

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Why massage during winter?

Having regular massage during winter is a great way to support your body and mind to behealthier. With the risk of cold, virus and flu increased during these months, the activity youdo, the food you eat and the way you look after your body, really can make a difference. There are several benefits to a …

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Has your Black Friday anxiety turned into Christmas anxiety yet?

Mine has! Did someone say Christmas?! Thinking about seeing your favourite practitioner before the holiday season? Feel Amazing Wellness Centre still has bookings available in the lead-up to Christmas and then limited days into the New Year. It’s our busy time, so don’t miss out, book now! Many of our clients are commenting that time …

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Is change as good as a holiday…

Did you set New Year Resolutions this year? How are they going now? While making resolutions can be motivating for some people, many of us can give up not long after we started, especially when everything hasn’t magically changed. (Like those 10 kilos that haven’t shifted even though I only started eating healthy food choices …

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Feel Amazing Wellness Centre