Ergonomics, technology and improving posture

Put simply, ergonomics is the study of people in their working environment, with the aim to reduce discomfort and prevent injury. Key elements include safety, comfort, ease of use, and productivity. If you look at the way we use modern technology, then there is certainly convenience, but also the potential for strain and repetitive injury. …

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Life, technology and wellbeing – how to help your body

We all know that technology can make life easier, with faster access to information, immediate purchasing options, and the ability to do what we need to online from just about any location. But with convenience has come the physical toll on our bodies. How is your posture while using a device? Are you looking up …

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Working From Home Self Care Tips

woman using laptop on couch

As working from home has started to become the new normal, an interview I did with Andrew from CAPITAL-e Marketing & Events at the beginning of lockdown is more pertinent than ever!Here are my top tips to keep you healthy while working from home:  1.  Correct Your PostureRemember Mum’s great advice to sit up straight? …

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Feel Amazing Wellness Centre