What makes Elijah Different from other Chiro’s?

Elijah’s back, when?

After successful surgery on his elbow, Elijah will be back treating clients from November 15th. We thought a post about his approach to chiropractic care would be timely.

Elijah has been working with Feel Amazing Wellness Centre for almost 6 years and brings with him a belief in treating a person as a whole, addressing the holistic needs of an individual. His professionalism and commitment as a chiropractor to ongoing education and training has resulted in being able to treat clients for a variety of reasons. Elijah’s skills and reputation make him a sought after provider in the Chatswood area. His goal for his clients is to facilitate a transition of passive care to active care. 

Why see a chiropractor? 

We have heard from our clients that Chiropractic treatment has helped them recover from acute or chronic injuries, the effects of poor posture, to help with preparations with sporting events, improve quality of life, as well as helping them better manage the demands of everyday life. Chiropractic care is offered by Elijah at Feel Amazing Wellness Centre in Chatswood.

What makes Elijah (me) different? 

With over 10 years of clinical experience, I have found that the best way to achieve the goals of the client is to create a supportive environment that addresses the physical, emotional and biochemical needs of the body. This is done through a collaborative effort and utilising a variety of techniques that are appropriate. 

My chiropractic practice is based on assessing your clinical needs rather than prescribing unnecessary tests or over booking. I’d rather spend the time needed with you at each appointment so you can then make progress and achieve your goals, without reliance on overly frequent appointments. I believe in offering treatment for what you need on the day, providing you with appropriate exercises and self management techniques, rather than having you come back a couple of days later needing more. You are also an individual, so you will be treated as your unique self. Your body will dictate the need for treatment and how much is appropriate at the time. Working this way is true client centred focus and a foundation of good practice. 

If you do need more intensive treatment, such as for an acute injury, then we can work with that too. Or if you are new to chiropractic care, it may take a couple of treatments to get things on track. But I believe in providing care that is based on your needs, not set numbers or sending you off for multiple scans, or making you sign up for an unrealistic schedule. Rather, we can work together to plan your treatment and get you feeling amazing again.

What is passive versus active care?

Treatment is classified under two types of care. This is vital to understand because my overall aim is to transition my clients from Passive care to Active care. Passive care is treatment administered under the supervision of a practitioner in a clinical setting. As a practitioner, I aim to maximise our session by setting goals, expectations and utilising a variety of techniques to address the issue at hand. In addition to treatment, I also like to use this time to educate and demonstrate activities and exercises to improve the effectiveness of the treatment. As the discomfort starts to resolve or short term goals are realised,  treatment sessions also start to taper, which then leads to the preparations for active care.

Active care are the tools clients use provided from their practitioner, to address discomfort or to maintain stability and balance in the body. This could range from stretches, rehab exercises, use of a spike ball, towels etc. 

While treatment sessions are less frequent at this stage, is it worthwhile to note that, on occasion, clients may find themselves returning sooner than their allocated time. This is usually to address acute issues that have arisen during their recovery. This does not mean you start from scratch with your treatment plan. It just means the body needs time to adjust and settle as you recover.

Active care is ongoing because life in general will always provide variables to cause an imbalance/poor posture or pain. If we are vigilant in paying attention to what our body is feeling, how it is functioning, then by not delaying when attention to a particular problem is required, you can better stay on top of managing your health.  

So, with an effective passive to active care approach, you can better prevent more intensive or over treatment while still getting the most benefit from your maintenance chiropractic health care needs. Maintenance care is an essential part of keeping your body functioning at its optimal capacity, but should never be something you feel isn’t beneficial to you. If you ever feel that treatments aren’t getting you back on track, then we can talk about how to make that happen.

So, when am I back at Feel Amazing?

I’ll be treating clients again from November 15th and am looking forward to getting back into my practice and sharing some insights gained into the importance of self care, following rehab advice and the journey in recovery from injury, from both my own professional and now personal perspective.

How do you book in with Elijah?

If you are interested in seeing Feel Amazing Wellness Centre at Chatswood’s own Chiropractor Elijah you can book online here. 

If you are one of his amazing regular clients, we look forward to seeing you back in the centre soon!

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