Motivation and habits part 1

Coffee cup with begin written on it

Starting something new takes just one step (even if it sometimes means having a coffee to get you going!) Motivation is what can lead us to achieving something we want. So firstly, let’s get excited about it! Having passion for this goal will help us start and do what’s needed.  Finding the motivation to stick …

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When your body isn’t just talking to you, it’s yelling – TMJ

Kid screaming into microphone

One example of the way stress can impact our health is with a common condition known as TMJ (or TMD). What is TMJ? “The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. There is one on each side of your face, in front of each ear. These joints allow the …

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New Year’s Resolution Tips – Part Two!

calendar on January

At Feel Amazing Wellness Centre in Chatswood, our practitioners are here to help you focus on the positive changes that really can make a difference. We are all dealing with increased stress and situations we’re not used to. While at this time of the year many are also settling into changed work and school schedules. …

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More about Men’s Health

Chatswood massage therapist giving man a shoulder massage

What are some common men’s health concerns we see and how do we treat these?  From sports-related injuries or strains from working out with weights, to wry necks from computer use or having just woken up not being able to turn your head, to pain from muscle tension, tight calves that cause heel pain, chronic …

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Men’s Health

two men fist pumping

According to Better Health Channel, Australian men are more likely than Australian women to get sick from serious health problems, are less inclined than women to take an active role in maintaining their health, or seek professional help for problems, particularly those of an emotional nature.  So, what can we do to help change this? …

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Spring Allergy Season

boy blowing daffodil

Spring is here and with it comes increased sunshine, warmer temperatures, recreation and sporting activities outdoors, while the grass grows and flowers bloom under blue skies, which increases pollen count, grass seeds and the winds bring allergens and dust our way! As a fellow hay fever sufferer, I too am caught by the paradox of …

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What treatments can help Winter Aches and Pains

dog wrapped in blanket

Wintertime can bring out the aches and pains of chronic joint conditions and from muscles being sore just because it’s cold! So, what can help? Heat – yes, the obvious answer when you are cold, but using a heat pack can increase circulation and help reduce muscle pain and stiffness. The use of ice or …

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Feel Amazing Wellness Centre