Spring Allergy Season

boy blowing daffodil

Spring is here and with it comes increased sunshine, warmer temperatures, recreation and sporting activities outdoors, while the grass grows and flowers bloom under blue skies, which increases pollen count, grass seeds and the winds bring allergens and dust our way! As a fellow hay fever sufferer, I too am caught by the paradox of …

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What treatments can help Winter Aches and Pains

dog wrapped in blanket

Wintertime can bring out the aches and pains of chronic joint conditions and from muscles being sore just because it’s cold! So, what can help? Heat – yes, the obvious answer when you are cold, but using a heat pack can increase circulation and help reduce muscle pain and stiffness. The use of ice or …

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Working From Home Self Care Tips

woman using laptop on couch

As working from home has started to become the new normal, an interview I did with Andrew from CAPITAL-e Marketing & Events at the beginning of lockdown is more pertinent than ever!Here are my top tips to keep you healthy while working from home:  1.  Correct Your PostureRemember Mum’s great advice to sit up straight? …

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Are you curious about Acupuncture and TCM?

chatswood acupuncture books on display

For the remainder of this month to help celebrate our new Chatswood Acupuncturist, Feel Amazing Wellness Centre in Chatswood is having a special deal on Acupuncture and TCM treatments with our newest team member Sumin Ko – with 25% off Initial Consultations and 10% off Maintenance Acupuncture and TCM Consultations in June 2019. If you …

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Health fund rebates are back!

amazing health humour

A New Year, some new resolutions! It’s a New Year, health funds are back and three weeks in, resolutions are starting to fall away, oh and it’s been hot…damn hot! There’s not much we can do to help with the weather but we can help with some of those health-related resolutions. Whether you want to lose …

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Amex Small Shop

It’s that time of the year….. It’s almost 5 weeks until Christmas – most health funds are about to refresh cover after December 31 and AMEX is giving away money to their customers! Most health fund limits refresh in the new year, so if you have massage, chiropractic or naturopathic extras cover, remember to book …

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Welcome to the next edition of our Newsletter

picture of stomach with out of order written on it

Joint and Gut Health In this first section, I’d like to introduce you to an interesting compound I’ve been talking a lot about over the last couple of months. It is called collagen hydrolysate (also called hydrolysed collagen). This product is basically dehydrated gelatine and gained a popularity with the paleo crowd in the form …

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Feel Amazing Wellness Centre