Introducing Feel Amazing’s exciting new leadership! 

A letter from Anthony

Dear Clients,

After just over 19 years at the helm of Feel Amazing Wellness Centre, the time has come for me to step aside. So, I am writing to let you know that our amazing Chiropractor Elijah will be leading the team into an exciting new chapter in the life of the clinic and sprinkling his special magic on the place.

Elijah has been working with us for over 10 years and is the perfect person to give the business a new, younger lease on life, especially now that I’m in Orange three weeks out of the month. I will still be coming across for my monthly bookings and look forward to seeing you all then.

I wanted to say that it has been a privilege to have started and grown a business that allowed me to meet so many incredible people, and in such a vibrant and ever-changing suburb like Chatswood. Working with our clients really has been an honour. 

Thank you for your loyalty for all these years and for choosing to be an important part of why I established Feel Amazing. Please be assured that with new leadership comes a renewed commitment to supporting you to get the treatments you need. 

I look forward to seeing the new and exciting ideas and energy Elijah will bring to the place and I know he will continue to offer our team of practitioners and our clients, support and services that do make a difference.



A letter from Elijah

Dear Valued Clients,

Hello – My name is Elijah, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new owner of Feel Amazing Wellness Centre located in Chatswood, your trusted multidisciplinary healthcare provider.

I have already been working at Feel Amazing Wellness for more than a decade as your Chiropractor, so I am privileged to assume this new responsibility, in providing support and direction for our valuable staff and my fellow practitioners. While there is a change in leadership, please be rest assured that our commitment to providing you with the highest standard of care and maintaining your trust in meeting your health and wellness related needs remains unwavering.

Our Feel Amazing Wellness team of healthcare professionals continues to offer treatments with compassion and expertise. We are a strong and dedicated team, who believe in the importance of consistent care, working with you as an individual in meeting your unique needs.

As mentioned, Tony, whom many of you know and trust, will continue to be available for bookings at our clinic on a monthly basis. His expertise and care for clients is invaluable, and we are fortunate to continue to have him working as a team member.

I encourage you to keep an eye out for new services, insights, and advancements on the horizon. We are constantly striving to enhance our services and provide you with innovative solutions for your health and wellness journey.

Your continued support means the world to us, and we always enjoy catching up with our valued clients. If it’s been a while since your last treatment, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment and let us help you get back on track to optimal health.

Thank you for entrusting us with your healthcare needs – you are what makes this an amazing place to be.

Warm regards,

Elijah Clemente

Owner, Feel Amazing Wellness Centre 

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