Milestones and more

Chatswood naturopath anthony middlemiss showing off his weight loss

15% OFF 2 FEEL AMAZING (enter the code in the booking comments section for 15% off any one service during October 2020) It’s been a strange ole year 2020 and I’m starting to feel really old! I first arrived in Chatswood 21 years ago from Radelaide (or Adelaide for those uninitiated with this ironic pet …

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Introducing our new Chiropractor

Elijah Elemente, Chatswood Chiropractor

I’d like to introduce you our new Chatswood Chiropractor Elijah Clemente, who will be taking over from Daniel. Elijah has gained experience as a chiropractor working in Sydney and Singapore, that experience combined with additional study has allowed him to develop extraordinary skills in pregnancy care, sports injury and treating neck and shoulder pain. He …

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Feel Amazing Wellness Centre