More about Men’s Health

Chatswood massage therapist giving man a shoulder massage

What are some common men’s health concerns we see and how do we treat these?  From sports-related injuries or strains from working out with weights, to wry necks from computer use or having just woken up not being able to turn your head, to pain from muscle tension, tight calves that cause heel pain, chronic …

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Milestones and more

Chatswood naturopath anthony middlemiss showing off his weight loss

15% OFF 2 FEEL AMAZING (enter the code in the booking comments section for 15% off any one service during October 2020) It’s been a strange ole year 2020 and I’m starting to feel really old! I first arrived in Chatswood 21 years ago from Radelaide (or Adelaide for those uninitiated with this ironic pet …

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A Celebration of Milestones

Feel amazing wellness centre Chatswood signage

Feel Amazing Wellness Centre has a milestone to announce – we are celebrating being open for the last 15 years! While Anthony has been a Naturopath for 25 years, working in Chatswood for the last 21 years. As a small business, it is our clients that remain at the heart of what we do, so …

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What treatments can help Winter Aches and Pains

dog wrapped in blanket

Wintertime can bring out the aches and pains of chronic joint conditions and from muscles being sore just because it’s cold! So, what can help? Heat – yes, the obvious answer when you are cold, but using a heat pack can increase circulation and help reduce muscle pain and stiffness. The use of ice or …

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Health fund rebates are back!

amazing health humour

A New Year, some new resolutions! It’s a New Year, health funds are back and three weeks in, resolutions are starting to fall away, oh and it’s been hot…damn hot! There’s not much we can do to help with the weather but we can help with some of those health-related resolutions. Whether you want to lose …

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Introducing our new Chiropractor

Elijah Elemente, Chatswood Chiropractor

I’d like to introduce you our new Chatswood Chiropractor Elijah Clemente, who will be taking over from Daniel. Elijah has gained experience as a chiropractor working in Sydney and Singapore, that experience combined with additional study has allowed him to develop extraordinary skills in pregnancy care, sports injury and treating neck and shoulder pain. He …

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Feel Amazing Wellness Centre